It surprises me sometimes how the opposite sex thinks. Men presume that women love big muscles and by big, I mean those lean, veiny, overgrown bodies. Yes, that’s what majority of men actually think. Especially when they are pretty fit already, they assume that the bigger they get the bigger their chances of actually getting noticed. I am not saying that there is something wrong with “BIG” men I am just trying to state a fact. Most women don’t care! Every woman is different and has her own preferences but most of us prefer regular size males.

We date men that we are attracted to whether that means a nice broad chest, slim and tall or “puffy”. I keep hearing all about men loving curvy women, well imagine women like a bit of softness too. All the muscles and lean bodies are super overrated. They look great on flashy magazines’ covers but maintaining that look takes extremely hard work, effort, and time. When you have to work 7-10 hrs, then spend another 1-2 hrs in the gym there is not much time left for relationships. This is the reason why average looking men have bigger chances of finding their “true love”.

Regardless of the specific body type that we like, a generally “fit body” (do not get this confused with skinny) is often desired.


The answer is simple. Most women when choosing their partners subconsciously connect them with reproduction. Our animal instincts click in and we are keener on fit men as they are associated with healthier and stronger sperm (without realising it, something we inherited from our ancestors). There are other aspects that women are driven to like intellect, ambition, manners, and much more. However, in this blog we are not going to talk about that otherwise I will have to write a book rather than a short journal.

Healthy body = Healthy mind. I bet we have all heard that. Not a surprise then than men who look after themselves are more enthusiastic, motivated, confident, and successful. Men who are more physically fit show that they love and care about themselves, which is an indicator that they have the capacity to love you too! Apparently, they are more likely to have an established work/life balance. Healthy diet and fitness have an amazing effect on brain and mental health. Which leads to better jobs, stability and in the long, security. Women don’t look for a man whose blood sugar and cholesterol are so high that his life can end at any moment.

After the age of 25 we start losing bone density and body muscle. Even if your weight remains similar between 25 to 50 it indicates that your body fat percentage has likely increased. I am pointing that out to show how tricky human bodies are and if you don’t learn the basics you will suffer the consequences later on. It is never too late to start training but with age it’s much harder to pick up new habits or end the bad ones. Women tend to live longer than men (numbers don’t lie) and their extra years tend to be healthy ones. Hence, they will search for energetic and full of life partners. Men who start fitness at an early age are less likely to have age related diseases, which can make the quality of a couple’s life together much better.

Fitness brings the best out of people. It builds our self-esteem, awakens competitiveness and feel-good factor, not to mention that it massively improves our physical appearance. Self-love is the most important LOVE above all. If you don’t give your body the right nutrients, physical activities and mindfulness you are heading for inevitable destruction. Slowly but surely. You need to love yourself first before even looking for someone to love you because if you don’t appreciate the person you are, there is little chance that someone else will.

Dating is fun and great way to get to know different types of people, and to figure out what they like and desire. Through that process we learn much more about ourselves, our needs, likes and dislikes. It’s funny how with time our type changes or it stops existing. We can’t describe exactly who we want but based on past experiences we know exactly who doesn’t rock our boat.

Fit people attract fit people not because they are shallow and look for sexy, steamy bodies. They are choosing a partner based on the lifestyle that they will have with them in the future. Someone active won’t stay at home every evening watching Netflix or stuff himself with junk food. The more knowledgeable you become about food and start supplementing less shitty ingredients the more benefits you will add to your meals. FACT!

One of the most important things if not THE most important thing is to have a healthy and satisfying sex life with your partner! There is no better way to improve your performance than regular exercise. Research proved that people who are physically active report greater sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction than people who are sedentary. No one wants to disappoint or be disappointed in bed so I would strongly advise you to spice up your game and work on your stamina before jumping to bed. Regular exercise has been shown to be a natural Viagra.

Physical fitness is always going to be a factor in dating. Men don’t have to be Baywatch lifeguards and look like the ROCK, but the fact that they put their health first means that they may be a better choice for the long run!

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